5 Inside the Studio with Amy Nordby: Art, Instincts, and Innovation

In this episode, we dive into the creative world of Amy Nordby. Amy isn't just any artist; she's someone who pushes the envelope with her resin art and mixed media pieces. In our chat, we're getting into everything from how she got her start in art to the ins and outs of creating an artwork every day for a year, along with AI and digital art to create new pieces.

Amy gets real about why she steers clear of commissions, sharing her belief in the power of intuitive art and the importance of following your creative instincts. We also touch on some interesting topics: the importance of art, getting noticed in an art world that's bursting at the seams, and how to keep making art even when it feels difficult.

This episode isn't just shop talk. It's about the passion and perseverance that fuel creativity, and Amy's take on the challenges and joys of being an artist in today's world.

To find more about Amy and her art visit her website at https://amynordby.com/ or connect with her on FacebookInstagramYouTube, Twitter and MeWe

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5: Inside the Studio with Amy Nordby: Art, Instincts, and Innovation